If you need to cancel or change your appointment
If for any reason you must cancel or change your appointment, it is important that you give our office at least two business days’ notice so we can offer that time to someone on our waiting list who is in need of urgent dermatologic care.
Call us at (803) 329-6030 to cancel or change your appointment. Unfortunately, we cannot accept cancellations or changes through any social media or email. Please be sure to call us at least 48 hours before your appointment to avoid any fees.
For a complete explanation of our cancellation process, please download our Missed Appointment and Cancellation Policy.
Here are some helpful links:
Request an Appointment Today!
Trust the doctors the doctors trust and contact us today for an appointment. Please call us at (803) 329-6030 during our office hours or complete the Request Appointment form. We look forward to seeing you soon!
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