Laser Treatments for Unwanted Veins

For unwanted facial and leg veins/red spots

Laser Treatments for Unwanted Veins

Our PDL laser that has become the gold standard to safely treat vascular lesions of the face and leg while minimizing damage to surrounding tissue. Lasers work by emitting a wavelength of high energy light, which when focused on a certain skin condition will create heat and destroy diseased cells.

In the case of the PDL laser, the light pulses target red pigment (hemoglobin). Small red spots such as cherry angiomas usually disappear with one treatment. More extensive veins on the face usually require additional treatments spaced a month or so apart.

What types of lesions can be treated?

  • Facial and leg telangiectasias
  • Spider veins
  • Hemangiomas
  • Rosacea

Laser Treatments for Unwanted Veins

What can I expect?

No anesthesia is required, although there is some discomfort during the procedure. Some bruising and swelling may occur but it is safe to apply makeup to disguise the bruising if any occurs. Any down-time is generally worth it since the results are excellent.

Before & After

Before & After Vascular Laser Treatment

Image credit – DermNet New Zealand Conditions

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